We are facing an unprecedented time with the COVID-19 crisis – Rotary meetings may go dark, however, Rotary service, fellowship, and connection can still continue!
Oakland Uptown held its first happy hour social over Zoom with better results than expected. Members shared how they were doing during the shelter-in-place order in California and what made them laugh this week.
During this time of practicing social distancing, it can mean a lot to check in with your other Rotary members. The consensus after the Zoom webchat was that it was fun and something we would all like to do again.
The theme of the coming year for Rotary is “Rotary Opens Opportunities,” and this time spent in quarantine presents a challenge for groups to come together. Uptown Rotary is a group that reinvents the wheel and plans to use Zoom to invite guest speakers and invite prospective members to participate in upcoming meetings.
The Rotary E-Club of Silicon Valley has a helpful video for Rotary clubs that can’t meet in case you need more inspiration to stay connected.