Pies for Purpose

Freshly-baked Lattice Pie Announcing Pies for Purpose Fundraiser by Oakland Uptown Rotary

Order Pies Here: OUR Pies for Purpose Order Form

Oakland Uptown Rotary (OUR) club is proud to invite you to participate in our inaugural Pies For Purpose event. This is your opportunity to purchase pies for your Thanksgiving holiday meal and to donate pies to brighten the holiday meal of those in need.  Spread a little joy through dessert at your table or someone else’s.

We have partnered with Uhuru Bakery to help us fulfill this year’s pie orders.  And we have partnered with 2 local organizations to be OUR Recipients of Pies. Last year for Thanksgiving 2022, our club was able to donate 200 pies total amongst 3 non-profits in our community. For 2023, we are gifting pies through the following non-profits:

Davis Street Community Center

Since 1972, Davis Street has been a key community leader in guiding families and individuals out of poverty and into productive lives by helping others help themselves. Their ability to provide a full range of necessary services, from medical care and child care to food and clothing, is unique from any other local organization.

Davis Street, 3081 Teagarden Street, San Leandro, CA 94577

(510) 347-4620 DSFRCInfo@davisstreet.org


CityTeam is founded on meeting local needs. Their programs across the United States offer help and hope to our neighbors in need with hot meals, groceries, shelter, housing and restorative programs, learning and career help, and so much more. Each city has customized programs to specifically meet the needs of their community.

Instructions for Payment and Pickup:

  • Your order will be confirmed after payment is received. All pies must be prepaid before pick up.  No pies can be purchased on the pickup day.
  • Payments can be made by Zelle using your bank app. Look us up at  oaklanduptownrotary@gmail.com, or mail a check, payable to Oakland Uptown Rotary to 526 Grand Avenue, Oakland, CA  94610. 
  • Pie pick up planned for the week of November 20.  The exact time and location will be sent to via email you one to two weeks before the pickup through an updated Order Confirmation email.
  • Questions? Call us at (510) 834-2260.

Partner with us

Working with local small business owners is one way our club helps to grow our local economy and is how we intend to serve our community in order to bring desserts to the tables of those in need this holiday season. Email us at oaklanduptownrotary@gmail.com if you are a baker or catering company.